In The Arena Podcast With Anthony Iannarino | Sales | Marketing |business Coaching | Sales Management | Teamwork | Success |r

Stoking Your Hunger to Win in the Sales Arena, with Patrick Tinney – Episode #94



Every sales professional says they have a hunger to win, but few truly conquer as top sellers. My guest on this episode says every sales professional must have a perpetual hunger to win in sales - that constant drive to provide for their family, to be a success, and to be the trusted advisor who serves their customers well. Patrick’s newest book, “Perpetual Hunger” is the subject of our conversation. It’s a book that can serve you almost like a sales encyclopedia with easy-to-read chapters that are able to be immediately applied. You’ll get a great feel for what he covers in the book by listening to this episode of the podcast. Stoking Your Hunger to Win in the Sales Arena, with Patrick TinneyClick To Tweet Fear and adversity can contribute to your hunger in a positive way, or it can hold you back. You hear a lot these days about overcoming fears and adversity, but Patrick Tinney and I agree that both of those things can fuel your hunger if you know how to leverage them to your advantage. The saddest thing i