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Overcoming Toxic Culture Through Mastering Civility, with Christine Porath – Episode #99



It should not come as a surprise that some of the most important things in life are the most basic. Civility is one of those things that is essential to maintaining and building great relationships with others but is often cast aside for the sake of attaining goals at the expense of those relationships. In this conversation, Anthony talks with Christine Porath, author of the new book “Mastering Civility.” Her insights into the human condition and the things that drive us to be not only uncivil but downright petty reveal the foundational things that we need to come to grips with in order to begin building healthy company cultures rather than toxic ones. Overcoming Toxic Culture Through Mastering Civility, with Christine Porath - Episode #99Click To Tweet The fundamentals of civility are so basic but also so seldom done No one would argue against civility being one of the foundational practices that undergird healthy human relationships. Yet, it is one of the things that is most quickly cast aside when it come