In The Arena Podcast With Anthony Iannarino | Sales | Marketing |business Coaching | Sales Management | Teamwork | Success |r

Chris Beall: Outbound Sales and Prospecting Metrics and What They Tell Us About Success – Episode #103



Outbound sales and prospecting are the sales approaches that most people shudder to think of. Dialing the phone, cold calling, getting past the gatekeepers - it's enough to discourage anyone if you don't approach it in the right way. This conversation with Chris Beall of Connect and Sell is powerful simply because it reveals some of the basics of why we go about sales that way in the first place. The numbers don't lie, and Chris is definitely one to know the numbers. But more than knowing them, he's effective at interpreting what they reveal about needed sales process improvements. If you want to learn how to do outbound sales and prospecting better than you ever have before, Chris is the guy to listen to. Get a feel for the kinds of things he has to share, on this episode. Chris Beall ( @chris8649 ) of @ConnectAndSell : #Outbound #sales and #prospecting metrics and what they tell us about #SalesSuccess. Listen to this episode of #InTheArenaClick To Tweet In outbound sales, we should be paying attention to t