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Deb Calvert on How Truly Meaningful Sales Connections Happen Through Leadership  – Episode #105



Every seller wants to have meaningful sales connections with their buyers, but it's clear from the way sales is traditionally done that very few sellers really know how to pull it off. Deb Calvert has written a new book, “Stop Selling and Start Leading” that reveals many points of powerfully insightful data, taken from a study focused on the 30 primary characteristics of leadership. Her application of those characteristics to the sales process is not only ingenious, it also reveals what sellers are doing wrong, what buyers really want from those who are on the other side of the sales relationship, and how powerful selling can happen once sellers stop selling in begin leading. You don't want to miss this conversation. Deb Calvert on How Truly Meaningful #Sales Connections Happen Through #Leadership - Episode 106 of #InTheArena @PeopleFirstPSClick To Tweet Buyers don’t believe the message until they first believe the messenger Sales connections are about more than simply setting appointments and running throug