In The Arena Podcast With Anthony Iannarino | Sales | Marketing |business Coaching | Sales Management | Teamwork | Success |r

How to Develop Greater Influence in the Sales Process by Being a Go Giver Influencer, with Bob Burg – Episode #107



What sales professional in their right mind would NOT like to have greater influence over buyers during the sales process? It’s an ability we all need to have. But greater influence comes at a cost, and it’s a cost that’s not typically about sales techniques or approaches. It's one you pay by doing the hard work to become a better person yourself. In this conversation, Anthony and his good friend, Bob Burg chat about why the characteristics Bob outlines in his book, “The Go-Giver Influencer” are really character traits and have to be genuinely birthed in the heart of a person before they can be capable of having greater influence in any area of life. It’s a great conversation between two sales professionals who are great friends. Be sure to listen to this episode of In The Arena. How to develop greater #influence in the #sales process by being a go-giver #influencer, with @BobBurg, on Episode 108 of #InTheArena with @iannarinoClick To Tweet Great influencers attract people, to themselves first and their idea