Dr. Isabel Md Inspires

CNE Michael and Brain Health in the News



Hello everyone. It's Chef Michael, Culinary nutrition expert @ doctoronamission.com.This is massively important because this is going to be around an area where we just don't tend to talk a lot about it. I mean, we seem to always want to talk about physical health and working out, which is fantastic. Physical health is very important. But there's also what's called brain health. Now today, why I want to talk about this is because it is so, so important. So here, I'm going to be quoting you from and kind of paraphrasing a little bit from an article that just came out today. Now this is stuff that we've actually known for awhile.The article is entitled the Diet that's shrinking your brain. This is about the lifestyle choices that people are making and all the world currently. Okay. So here's what it's about now, the average person, I'm just going to read some of it because I need to, the average person is eating a lot more calories than they did 50 years ago, and it's having devastating results on their brains.