Inner Dominatrix

A Breath Of Fresh Air



Leigh Burton, a brilliant, powerful successful woman in business, is struggling with something.  Even though Leigh has become a masterful coach, driven to help people live ego free; she, just like the rest of us, still has some stuff to work through. Graciously, Leigh has allowed us to listen in on her amazing session with Dana. First Dana pokes at Leigh’s financial sting of having spent money for her own coaching and not gotten the result she felt she paid for, then at the pain of loss of trust with these coaches. Finally, Dana slips in the piece of Leigh allowing herself to charge “good” money for her own membership program – something she has been resistant to as she likens it to “sitting down to have tea and conversation with friends”.  Wow. See what Dana did there? Leigh describes the internal shift she experiences from this session as “ fresh energy or fresh air”.  Do you need a breath of f