Trevor Loves Everything

Episode 10 - Domino (with Daysha Broadway)



A huge fan of Tony Scott, I've found myself defending his work more often than not. I really like the depth in his story telling with films like Man on Fire, but I also really enjoy his overall, hyper-styilzed visuals. My guest this month is the always-entertaining, Daysha Broadway. We spent many months trying to figure out a movie that she joins the mass public in hating so we could do an episode together. She's like me in that she enjoys most things. I happened to throw Domino out there and she was all over it! "I am about to go IN on this movie. It's actually not good at all." Sit back and enjoy as Daysha and I perform an autopsy on this film and find out what killed it in the public's eye. MY GUEST Daysha is one of the editors for the very funny show A Black Lady Sketch Show on HBO