Voc Nation Radio Network

IN THE ROOM with Glacier (2015)



IN THE ROOM this week is proud to welcome former WCW star Glacier for the second time, as he prepares for Wrestlecade Thanksgiving weekend in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. What are Glacier’s thoughts on his gimmick being remembered, being considered “legit,” going from fan to friend and business partner with the late Dusty Rhodes, and having one of the best wrestling entrances of all time. Plus, Brady Hicks, The Stro, and Kathie Fitz talk Seth Rollins’ injury, the WWE title tournament and its (lack of) star power, and Kurt Angle returning to WWE. Plus, open phone lines for two full hours and so … much … more! Thanks, as always, for the support. The VOC NATION RADIO NETWORK airs live and on-demand audio broadcasts 7 days / week via vocnation.com. VOC NATION features contributors such as Brady Hicks (Pro Wrestling Illustrated), "Voice of Choice" Bruce Wirt (WNJC Philadelphia), Stro Maestro (WCW), Wes Brisco (WWE and TNA Impact), Ken Resnick (WWE and AWA), Shelly Martinez (WWE and TNA Impact), Sassy Stephanie,