S.s. Librarianship

Episode Eighteen - "There's nothing wrong with adding a little romance..."



Mind Grapes: Lots on our post-holiday mind grapes, including surprises from Brandon Sanderson and social commentary from Margaret Atwood; cooking with ratios; playing very old video games; and, of course, our thoughts on The Hobbit (spoiler alert: we loved it, and we couldn't be happier about Tauriel).Class Z(ed): Bits and bites on professional development, including learning about assessment, perception, and camaraderie at Academic Librarians in Public Service; getting experience running the Cool Tools Unconference; our jobs this term; and our final library school courses. Links:Warbreaker by Brandon SandersonMaddAddam by Margaret AtwoodRatio by Michael RuhlmanThe Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and an article at The Mary Sue, which, along with its comments, constitutes a really thoughtful discussion of Tauriel very much in line with our feelings on the subject.Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force - Set Phasers to Frag!Contrast@TheGeekyComic and The Rather Awful Doctor Who Episode Guide