S.s. Librarianship

Episode Twenty-Six - "...it's like Overachievers Anonymous, except they don't want to help you quit."



SPOILER WARNING: Minor spoilers for Inside Llewyn Davis. Download this episode directly.This week, with special 3rd time guest Mary Jinglewski...Mind Grapes: Sam enjoyed the quiet mediocrity of Inside Llewyn Davis; Mary learned to play Seven Wonders, which launches a discussion of how to schedule tabletop gaming sessions; Alli saw the new Wes Anderson, and lo, it was good.Where Do We Put This?: We recap our many thoughts and feels about last week's Data Camp North Vancouver unconference, where librarians and libraries intersect with coding, design, and open data.Links:"Please Mr. Kennedy" from Inside Llewyn DavisSeven WondersThe Grand Budapest Hotel Data Camp North Van (including links to notes, speakers, and social media)In the trying times ahead (peak oil, climate change, ponzi economy), my bet is on librarians to see us through #datacampnv— Dethe Elza (@dethe) March 14, 2014