Paper Cuts

E17: Athena Naylor and Late Comeback Press



Guests: Athena Naylor and Late Comeback Press (Rachna Soun and Caroline Kim) Hosts:  Christopher Kardambikis and Jennifer Lillis Recorded on August 5th, 2020 in collaboration with Transformer as part of the E17: Zines program. Athena Naylor is a cartoonist originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, now living in Washington, DC. Through comics, Athena considers what makes the mundane meaningful and how big stories reside within small, everyday events. Alongside her self-published collections of autobiographical comics, Athena has had work featured in The Lily and Nat. Brut. Her comic The Checkout Counter was published through the podcast-publishing venture Paper Cuts. Her work can be found at and on Instagram @athena.naylor. Late Comeback Press is a Northern Virginia micropress run by Rachna Soun and Caroline Kim, specializing in avant-garde zines. Late Comeback Press’ name derives from the French term l’esprit de l’escalier – thinking of the perfect reply a little too late. As two Asian-Ameri