Connie Pheiff Show

Power, Presence and Influence ~ Own it, know it, share it



The future is HERe now. To prepare and accept HER leadership roles women have to own their power, show through presence and share through their influence and leverage. Learn how to communicate your value, showcase your readiness and accept your power as Connie Interviews Pegine on Up or Out with Connie. Be Unstoppable: in a world of limitless possibilities who do executive women count on for up-to-date information on everything from stilettos to being heard in the boardroom. To achieve excellence you must first take control of your life and develop a successful strategy with the Unstoppable DIVA. Check in with Connie Pheiff, as she cuts through the B.S. of leadership, personal development, productivity, influence, barriers, and opportunities to decide whats best for you.