Jefferson Liberty Radio

October 12th, 2020: All the Things



Join us as we talk about ballot measures, the constitutionality of a joint presidential ticket, and back to representation, per the usual. Watch our Facebook live videos here. Watch the video version of this episode here. California Ballot Measures California Proposition 22, App-Based Drivers as Contractors and Labor Policies Initiative (2020) AB-5 Worker status: employees and independent contractors. Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association: Ballot Measure Endorsements Constitutionality of the VP running mate Wikipedia: Kamala Harris NY Times: Kamala Harris lived in Canada US Constitution: Article 2 - Executive US Constitution: Amendment 12 - Election of President Back to Representation Assembly Constitutional Amendment by John Osgood Wikipedia: Congressional Apportionment Amendment (Article the First) Forgotten Liberty Radio: April 6th, 2019: Representation, Representation, Representation US Constitution: Amendment 14 - Rights Guaranteed: Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship, Due Process, and Equal P