Seaside Church

From Dreams to Doxology - Judah and Tamar Genesis 38; Matthew 1:1–3



Watch the sermon video: [Correction from Pastor Rob: I made a mistake in my sermon. While referencing a passage from Deuteronomy 25, I said something that the passage does NOT say. I always want to correct any mistake I make especially when referring to scripture. I realized this and did not make the same mistake in the second service. So first I apologize for making this error. Second, here is the correction for those of you in the first service or watching online. When we came to the section with Tamar and the three sons of Judah, the practice of Levirate marriage was brought up. This is when the brother of a deceased man is obliged to marry his brother's widow. So at this point I referenced Deuteronomy 25:5-9. In that passage when the brother refuses to marry his deceased brothers wife, the text tells us that she is to go to the elders of the city and attempt to get them to convince him otherwise. If they fail she is to take his