Gaming Steve

Gaming Steve Episode 71 – 02.24.2008



The Game Developers Conference has come to an end and I’ve put together a fantastic roundtable to recap the show. On the show I have Brent Lassi from, Michael Zenke from Slashdot and, and Michael Gordon Shapiro from (and the man responsible for the Gaming Steve theme song). Mike even sings a bit of his theme song on the show … something to behold. Enjoy! Gaming Steve Episode 71 Program Game Developers Conference Day 3 Recap How on earth did one guy create an MMORPG with a player base of 1.8 million people? The Chronicles of Spellborn is still alive and kicking. What are Cryptic Studios and Jack Emmert up to? What did game designers rant about this year? Why do game developers dress so poorly? What crazy game did Steve Meretzky design at this year’s Game Design Challenge? WebWars: EVE sounds freaking awesome. Why is Age of Conan – Hyborian Adventures going for an M-rating? Why is GDC the place to be if you want to get into the game industry. Fina