Gaming Steve

Gaming Steve Episode 72 – 06.15.2010



Sure it’s been 2+ years since my last podcast! Err … sorry everyone. But better late than never! And maybe I’ll do another one soon! Enjoy the show! Gaming Steve Episode 72 Program E3 2010 Day 1 Recap Who is this Steve person? Why did Microsoft lose my trust? Why was the Sony press conference so boring? Is the Nintendo 3DS as insanely awesome as you think it might be? (answer: no, it’s way more awesome!) Will Steve ever do another podcast ever again or will you need to wait another 2+ years? This and many more questions will finally be answered! Download the show (61 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 72 (MP3). Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes (MP3). Add the Gaming Steve Podcast feed to your RSS aggregator.