Triathlete Training Podcast: Triathlon, Ironman & Duathlon

TT016: Ironman Hawaii Analysis With Jim Vance | Ironman Marathon Pacing



Subscribe via iTunes Ironman Hawaii Analysis From Jim Vance Jim brings some 2013 Ironman Hawaii run data to the show.  We talk about pacing the Ironman marathon and our belief that just about all Ironman athletes, even the pros, start the Ironman run too fast.  Jim has mile splits from the last two Ironman Hawaii’s to back it up. Jim also discusses men’s second place finisher Luke McKenzie and his drastic change from 2012 to 2013.  Luke went from a low cadence cyclist to a high cadence cyclist in just one year. Quadrant Analysis Quadrant analysis was discussed during the show.  You must use a power meter to get this data.  Here are the definitions from  A link to that article is listed below. Quadrants in cycling: QI: High Force and High Cadence- An example of this would be sprinting. QII: High Force and Low Cadence- An example would be steep hill repeats, big gear intervals and a lot of Mt. Biking resides in QII as well. QIII: Low Force and Low Cadence- An example would be a recovery ride