Triathlete Training Podcast: Triathlon, Ironman & Duathlon

TT048: Joe Friel on “Fast Over 50”, High Intensity Training, & More



Joe Friel Joe Friel recently released his 14th book, Fast After 50.  It's geared to all athletes training and competing after age 50.  Most, but not all, of the interview is centered around the book, but there is much in here that will apply to all triathletes.  Topics discussed include sleep, high intensity training, recovery, and items listed below.  Joe also gives some insight into his research process. Joe discusses three key factors in athletic success: aerobic capacity lactate threshold economy As athletes age, economy tends to remain stable, VO2 max suffers the greatest loss, and lactate threshold declines more slowly.  Maintaining or slowing the rate of decline in these areas should be a focus of training. Joe talks about three key factors that negatively affect aging athletes.  They are: Loss of aerobic capacity/VO2 max Loss of muscle mass Negative trend in body fat percentage Part of the performance loss of the aging athlete is a result of a reduction of high intensity training. This l