Baalgatha - Hindi: ??????? ?????????: ????????, ???? ?????

15: ब्राह्मण, चोर और दानव The Brahman, The Thief and the Demon (Hindi)



This is a Hindi story from Panchatantra which teaches us a moral that one should be careful in choosing one's company. Summary of this Panchatantra story in English: A thief decides to partner with a demon- the thief wants to steal a poor brahman's goats, while the demon wants to eat the brahman. Listen to this story to rind out what happens to both of them. अब आप ऐपल पॉडकास्ट (ब-लग-थ-प-ड-क-स-ट-प-चत-त-र-ज-तक-कह-न-य-baalgat/id1224464467) , Google पॉडकास्ट ( , स्टिचर ( , स्पॉटिफ़ाई ( , जीयो सावन, कास्टबॉक्स (बालगाथा-पंचतंत्र%2C-जातक-कहानियाँ%3A-Baalgatha-in-Hindi-id522931) , स्टोरियोह, और कई अन्य वेबसाइटों और ऐप्स पर आप बालगाथा हिंदी पॉडकास्ट सुनते हैं।   You can subscribe to Baalgatha Podcast on Apple Podcasts (ब-लग-थ-प-ड