Church Brand Guide Podcast | Logo, Website, Video, And Design

065 3 steps to rebrand your church and builds momentum (part 1)



Branding is the perception people have of your church. It's what they say about you. The question is, are they saying the right thing about your church? In this episode, we will begin a series where we take a look at 3 steps to rebrand your church and creates momentum. As an agency owner, I build brands for churches. I am passionate about helping churches understand how to leverage powerful branding techniques to reach their city.   Good branding transforms a church from being the best-kept secret in town to becoming a pillar in the community. People will say, "we have  been looking for you all our lives."  Do people stop to give your church a shot? The problem most churches have is they are invisible in their city.  Good brands present themselves as a solution to a problem in people's lives.