Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

Holiday Weight Gain, Are Our Animals Fat?



Did you or your animal gain a few pounds this holiday season? How easy can it be to remove that weight from our animals? From ourselves? Are our animals fat in general? How can you tell? Empowering people to know what they know about their animals. Dr. Andi works with the energy/force/information in animals bodies to allow for magical changes that are possible for each one.  This information allows owners to make different choices about the care of their animals from puppy classes to yearly vaccinations and to senior care and beyond. What if their is a time and a place for every kind of treatment from homeopathy to energy work  to surgical intervention to traditional medicine to diet changes? With the current shift in how we view animals in our lives, often being our children, have you noticed that the information has become overwhelming as to what a parent should do….what if the “should” could go away, and we could function from what will work for each animal and the family they live with. Join Dr. Andi each