Mosaic Church Of Clayton

Why I Give



August 23. 2 Corinthians 8:1-15"I wanted to be in a place where the church was actually being the church and so I don’t mind the financial sacrifice. It doesn’t make it less easy some days to hustle and figure out where the salary is going to come from to support myself but I wouldn’t go back to that full time job with the benefits for anything.  I wanted to be in a church where we talked about racism, where we were really welcoming of all people, where the programs were not driving the church and keeping us busy and numb from what was happening in the world. I wanted to be in a church where we were nimble and creative. I wanted those things because I believe the world wants and needs those things and that is why I tithe. I tithe because I believe this community needs a church like Mosaic. I believe we all who are on this call need a church like Mosaic."