Mosaic Church Of Clayton

The Church Is Salt And Light



Sermon on August 30. Matthew 5:13-16"I didn’t know that as the week went on, scripture would be loosely used in other ways to defend certain political decisions and behaviors. We have seen the name of Christ, the name of the Spirit and scripture coopted this week. This is not a political sermon. I am not telling you who to vote for or who not to vote for, but I am speaking specifically of the name of Christianity being co opted for what some would say are American values. We call this Christian nationalism. It is where we put the worship of power, the worship of our political leaders, the worship of our flag, above our God. You can love your country, your flag, your political leaders but when that love gets caught up in an inappropriate way with your worship of God, that is the problem. God, Christianity, Scripture all speak to who we are as a nation but who we are as a nation does not sum up what God, christianity and scripture have to say. Our faith, our worship should be bigger than just our country.