Drop Panda Podcast

A Matrix Retrospective - Drop Panda Podcast #29



Starring: Adam and Julian Looking at the Matrix Trilogy from someone who grew up during the peak of Matrix fandom and someone who has heard tales of it. We talk about each one of the Matrix movies, what influences it left for modern movies and how they held up after almost 20 years. Apple Podcast: itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/feed/id1368060977 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ggu1cQrNMPTvMcZtQGfaI Anchor: anchor.fm/drop-panda-podcast Youtube:www.youtube.com/channel/UC91SdnrD9yNk3OXtfqr54dQ Google Podcast:  https://goo.gl/4rDmd1 Email: droppandaproductions@gmail.com