Golden Alignment ~ Dr. Beth Golden

The Power Of Social Media ~ Leslie Carol Botha



Golden Alignment with Dr. Beth Golden Radio Show Social Media was the last thing on Leslie Carol Botha's mind and certainly NOT her Golden Alignment. When asked; "What do you do?" She would respond..."I'm a Women's Health Advocate". Indeed she is! Leslie has been a hormone health coach for years AND speaks internationally as an advocate for autistic children. During this interview many will identify with the challenges of being a solo-preneur, surrendering to "getting a job", to creating one of the fastest growing Boutique Social Media Companies...Matrix Media Marketing. You just never may feel like everything is going wrong...when in reality the Universe may just be nudging you into your Golden Alignment. Leslie Carol Botha has been involved in holistic health and prevention for over 30 years. She is a graduate of the National Institute of Whole Health whose educational model is based on wellness and the integration of mind, body, and spirit. She has spent most of her career educating women and men