Golden Alignment ~ Dr. Beth Golden

A Male Advocate For Women’s Financial Freedom ~ Guest Trevor Mickelson



Golden Alignment with Dr. Beth Golden Radio Show Trevor Mickelson was raised in a household where his mother was the breadwinner and father was a stay-at-home dad. Because of this, he saw first hand the disparity in a women's earning potential compared to a man's. Although great strides have taken place in this country, we're far from financial equality even though it is predicted that women will hold 63% of our America's wealth by 2023 due to divorce and widowhood... Earning potential disparity still exists today as women are likely to only earn 2/3's of what a man would make in the same position. Trevor has a servant heart and has dedicated his life to educating women about money by launching empowering opportunities women have been desiring from the financial industry for years: Leadership, Support and Training, Mentorship, and Education. He is not just on a mission to create 1,000's of jobs for women in this field that is 95% dominated by men, but he is also launching 1,000's of Women's Financial Educatio