Unchained With Becky Herdt

It Never Looks Like You Think It Will! ~ Becky Herdt



Unchained with Becky Herdt Radio Show How many times do we choose something and then stop dead in our tracks when it doesn't look like we think it should?  What would it take to be unchained from the limitation of expectations, projections and conclusions?  Join Becky this week in breaking the chains that bind you to your past. Becky Herdt is a Business and Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Radio Show Host, Author and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who finds great joy in working with people and organizations to discover what unique talents and capacities they already have – especially those things hidden from view! Moments of Magic Summit with Niofer Safdar - Missing Pieces: Reclaiming your Magic! with Becky Herdt 9 pm eastern March 15 https:niloferlight.clickfunnels.​com/event-page-livee08gkccz www.unchainedwithbecky.com