Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

Energy Pulls – A Master Tool for Creation ~ Betsy & Kathy



Imperfect Brilliance! with Betsy McLoughlin & Kathy Williams Radio Show Energy pulls are quite popular and can contribute to your business in ways you might not know. People are utilizing energy pulls to change their business, their finances, relationships and lives. Join Kathy and Betsy in this fun conversation about energy pulls and we'll even do a short energy pull for creating your life, finances, and relationships. Join in and learn more about energy pulls and what we can create with all the molecules playing together! Could your imperfections actually be your brilliance? What if your willingness to acknowledge your brilliance is the catalyst to creating a new reality? One of magic and joyous possibilities! Imperfect Brilliance is about shedding all the layers of the not-you, everywhere where you’re making yourself wrong… because underneath all that crap lies what’s beautiful and imperfectly right about you. When you stop judging you, what else can you create in the world? Certified Facilitators of Acces