Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Past Life Regression. I Thought It Wouldn’t Work For Me.



Afterlife TV: Here’s a fascinating in-depth interview pulled from the vault about past lives, past-life regressions and life-between-lives regressions. Past-life regressions are one of the top experiences that give us personal evidence of life after death, because if we lived other lifetimes then we must not die. And if you ever want to get a sense of what it’s like in the spirit world, a life-between-lives regression is the best experience beyond having a near-death experience. Ever wonder who you were in a past life? Or question if your current issues might be a result of past-life trauma? My guest expert and regressionist, Nancy Canning, now offers these spiritual-growth experiences via Zoom or telephone, thereby allowing you a transformation from belief to knowing regarding the continuation of life after death right from the comfort of your home. No traveling. No added expenses of lodging. Technology has its perks. Enjoy this jam-packed conversation about this extraordinary subject. Sending you a high-d