Everyday Joy With Candace Mau

The Joy of Goals, Targets, and Schedules ~ Guest Richelle Ouellette



Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show An interview with Richelle Ouellette an event coordinator, goal setter, driven, amazing woman. Exploring the necessity of goals, vision, and targets. Where is the joy in planning you ask? You'll see the spectrum, from one non-scheduler to the other end and all the joy in-between. This chat is going to be worth a listen. See if your targets or goals are keys to a joyful life. With a background in corporate event planning, Richelle Ouellette  dove into freelance work after one particularly rash summer. With literally nothing to lose and a heart full of hustle, she founded and grew Alchemy Events into a business that now produces national events & activations for some of the most innovate startups around the country. When not dreaming up creative concepts or drumming up new clients, Richelle enjoys real estate investment and recently constructed a tiny house in her back yard. She travels as much as she can, loves working out & practicing yoga, and is constantly employing