Creating Magical Relationships With Bert & Nelly

Are You Willing to Have a Different Life? ~ Bert & Nelly



Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show This is the life we are in, it is so full of conditioning that we often don't seem to see it. Have kids settle down, find your passion, make something of yourself, don't rock the boat, be yourself (of course the society acceptable version of course). Is this what life is all about? We start doing these things without questioning if they are actually part of our destiny and that is what is going to make a satisfactory life. Are you having a life to live (beginning and end) or would you like to live your life (continuous always present)? What is true for you? Will it create a scandal if you start following what is true for you? A scandal is always about what other people think, you should be normal, to fit in. It is never about what is true for you. Today Bert and Nelly will be discussing a new paradigm for change, what if you had the tools to change everything you would like to change? What if you starting really looking at what is right for you? Being the difference y