Creating Magical Relationships With Bert & Nelly

Creating Possibilities With Relationships ~ Bert & Nelly



Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show What would is like to be totally free in relationships? One of true choice and infinite possibilities? Where are you limiting yourself in relationships? What are the possibilities of creating relationships that have never existed before? Are you willing to create generate and actualize a relationship that most people are not willing to have? What are the possibilities if your relationships didn't have to be trauma, drama, frustration, compromise, self sacrifice and judgement with everyone else? How many of us have been conditioned that to be in a relationship you have to compromise our choices to create a relationship with somebody? What if compromise was the way in which we imprison ourselves by giving up something of ourselves in order to meet someone else's needs? Is that true choice and possibilities? Is there a future in there for you? Perhaps you have a hint of the relationships you kind of like to have that is based on not giving up any part of you. What are th