Receiving Rachael ~ Rachael O'brien

Bursting out of Victim-Hood



This week on the receiving Rachael radio show, I am joined by my friend ,Nila Nima Nirmala Raju "Everything I think, everything I be, everything I do is my creation. Whatever occurs in my life is what I have created," says Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness. What if this is true for all of us? What if we create everything in our lives through our choices - little or mega choices? What if we are part of the collective consciousness that breathes through the plants, planets and everything? What if each one of us is a unique piece that completes this ever expanding, infinite universe? As an infinite being, can you be a victim? What if you create everything to have fun just like the wild rides of a theme park and forget that you have the choice to change the game? What if victim hood is a lie? Are you willing to explore that possibility? LIVE WEDS 3PM IST (Irish Standard Time) 10 AM EST/9CT/8MT/7PT Receiving Rachael with Rachael O'Brien All time posting on the radio show website is in EST.