Receiving Rachael ~ Rachael O'brien

Intimacy As The Space Of Total Possibility With Tamara Younker



Intimacy, In-to-Me-I-See!! I just adore the topic this week. Intimacy for me the space of allowance for everything you be and do, and receiving that with no judgement whatsoever! The amazing healing nurturing Tamara Younker, is joining me to talk about intimacy as the space for total possibility! Whoever knew that this space of caring, kindness, gentleness, healing and knowing you is the space that opens you up to receiving everything the Universe is willing to gift you! The Banquet of Life and living! And what if intimacy with you is a presence that invites people to the party of consciousness? Have you ever considered this? What if intimacy is the space and possibility to create a world that works for you? A world that people like to be in and play in with ease and Joy! What if intimacy can take you to a place and world you have never been to before? Are you done with feeling separate and alone, is your body longing to be held, hugged and touched? And what if that was just as simple as choosing to join us a