Super Scoop Of Consciousness ~ Cathleen, Kim & Trina

What MAGIC are you refusing to be? ~ Super Scoop of Consciousness



Have you noticed that the word MAGIC often has a bad rap? Do you cut off your magic to fit in here? What if you could choose the magic that only you can be? Join us to look at how to cultivate your magic and playfulness! For more information on the TeleCall mentioned in today's show, go here - Dealing with Difficult Kids Are you a Super Star of Magnitude? A Consciousness Extraordinaire?  What if every wrongness, every judgment of you is actually a strongness?  What is this Magnanimous Universe gifting to you that you haven’t been willing to receive?? Are you using your gifts of awareness for you or against you?  We INVITE you to explore in sharing tips and tools about fully & joyfully living while having FUN doing it!  Is now the time to BE the SUPER YOU??Join your hosts Cathleen Connor, Kim Malama Lucien and Trina Rice to explore the Infinite Possibilities of the Universe!