Hangout With Heather

Pecha Kucha celebrates #WomensDay and The Dark Kitchen will ‘Humble Your Grumble’…



Niche Radio — This week Heather chats with Bjorn Salsone from Pecha Kucha, about their first-ever online event (Heather is speaking at this event as well) – taking place next week, as well as with restaurateur, Larry Hodes from The Dark Kitchen – their pizzas are everything as they come with an extra ‘9th’ slice! From City Lodge Hotel Group who are reducing waste and introducing an environmentally friendly bathroom amenities ‘Zero’ range to the teams from The Breast Health Foundation and Hot91.9FM who are hosting an online Cancer Fundraiser for ‘One Step At A Time’ – the aim is to reach 2 million steps, and call on all South African’s to participate on the day. Get hands on in the kitchen with this weeks yummy comfort food recipe for Mac ‘n Cheese from Chef Anita Faku from Capsicum Culinary Studio (yummo!) or book yourself an ‘isolation staycation’ at the beautiful De Hoop Nature Collection and take your family away for some time in nature, safely and with fullest health protocols. WIN – a bottle of