Fast Jet Performance

'Don't Talk to Me in the Corners' - Lewis Hamilton’s Guide to Multitasking & Focus



If you are reading this then you are most likely to be a high-achiever or on the road to becoming one. You see, only 10% of people read or listen to material with the sole intent of self-improvement. You probably read productivity blogs, business magazines or listen to industry leaders, in your particular employment sector, talking about the future so that you can stay one step ahead of your competition. Whatever you are doing, you are doing it because you want to be more informed and, in doing so, become more productive. As you’ve most probably noticed, the top high-achievers seem to be calm, confident and, above all, incredibly productive. The amount they write, talk and accomplish is phenomenal. They seem to be able to do it all - they have truly mastered the art of multitasking. How can you be as awesome at multitasking as them, for surely here lies the holy grail of productivity? Or does it? Formula 1 World Champion, Lewis Hamilton, does not multitask.At this year’s Malaysian Grand Prix, on Lap 41, Lewis