Fast Jet Performance

Experience or Education - How Darts and a German Race Track Can Get You into the Top 1.24%



If I gave you some darts and stood you in front of a dartboard for a year, could you become the next Phil ‘The Power’ Taylor with just practise or would you need the help of someone who had some knowledge of darts? This is exactly what bored office worker Justin Irwin did in 2008. He decided that he wanted to excel at a sport but he had a problem; he was 35 and past his sporting prime.So he picked darts. He quit his £50,000 job to practise full time and prepare himself for a life of darting glory - what he found out, though, might surprise you. But before we talk about Justin's experience, let’s take the question further.  What if you could only have one of those options for a whole year - practise OR knowledge? You have a choice and in a year's time you will be entered into the prestigious Lakeside World Darts Championships in Surrey. Now, you could either stand in front of the dartboard for a year and practise for 8 hours a day but with no help whatsoever OR never throw a dart for the whole year but have ev