Fast Jet Performance

The Fighter Pilot School of Winning - How You Can Use Aggression to Achieve Success!



What's wrong with the youth of today? Recently we had some young employees doing a project for our civilian partners and when they had finished, and the contract had been signed, they all left the company even rejecting an increased salary offer to stay! They went and found work with another company having only worked for our partners for 18 months. Speed and agility are key in today’s fast moving workplace and this was what these young employees knew. They were not prepared to risk leaving their future employment chances to someone else and were aggressive in their planning.  I had to admire them - they knew the project they had done would look good on their CVs and now they were off to get more experience from somewhere else.'There is no such thing as security. You have to be aware of your options and not be afraid of change or failure. In fact, change is vital.’ – Captain Richard Champion de Crespigny, QF32 It is exactly the same in air combat - at the merge, he who manoeuvres first dictates the fight.