Fast Jet Performance

Arguments in the Cockpit - How to Have Better Relationships and be Liked at Parties.



We all know that pilots are an overconfident bunch. You've seen the airline captain wearing sunglasses as he walks through the airport terminal or you've met the pilot who insists on telling you what he does for a living before you've even asked.​But pilots are also flawed in other ways. The problem stems from the fact that normally pilots have always been the best at what they've done when growing up. So much so that they will even avoid or stop doing something that they are not very good at just because they are not very good at it. If they played rugby in the first team at school but suck at playing the guitar then their focus will drift more onto their sporting, rather their musical, endeavours. Pilots want to solve things and be impressive to people and if they can't then they quickly lose interest - this can come across as egotistical. But they are not alone with their narcissistic attributes. Who has never said 'When I lose some weight, get a new car or climb Mount Kilimanjaro people will think I'm awe