Fast Jet Performance

How You Can Build a Solid Foundation for Change in 5 Simple Steps - Even If You've Failed Before.



We think about ourselves a lot. If you were stuck in a cage with a crocodile you'd think about that a lot too but you're not stuck in a cage with a crocodile. But you are stuck with you. And, unlike crocodiles, we humans are easily deluded by the next great thing - I mean, ‘Everything will be OK when…’ 'We get the new car…' 'We get the new job…' 'We move to a better area…' We imagine that when these things happen, everything will be OK. But it won’t. It won’t because we often use these things to replace an emptiness inside of us, a foundational fragility, and if that emptiness isn’t addressed then no amount of cars, promotions or houses will make us happy.Click here for postSupport this show See for privacy and opt-out information.