Luke's Massive Storytelling Podcast Thing ...

Getting Serious With Your Writing



Episode 21! We're getting serious with our writing. I've looked into my catalogue of work and I've noticed some major flaws. 1.) I have no longer pieces of fiction. 2.) I have no serial works of fiction. Two flaws I'm going to (begin to) remedy with this weeks 7-day story challenge. I'm focusing on bigger word counts and pilot episodes. Not only that, but I'm joined by my Script Reader friend Matt Clarke, who's going to the challenge with me ... Tag-Team style. Also, Hawk & Cleaver is now on Facebook. We're going to be giving away free stuff, writing articles, and launching cleavers on this mailing list:  Hawk & Cleaver Mailing List Check out the previous 7-Day Story Challenges at E-mail me at  Join the...  See for privacy and opt-out information.