Jelly And Bean

44: Secure Pigeon System



Grand Theft Auto V makes $800 million on it’s first day of release; Apple sells 9 million iPhones on the launch weekend and a 35% device share for iOS7 within the first day; TouchID, the fingerprint system on the iPhone 5s, gets hacked within a week of the phone being released; iOS7 has a bug that allows you to access photos and contacts without unlocking the screen; Valve announces SteamOS and the Steam Machine, as an effort to bring their gaming system to the living room; Pixar announces that The Good Dinosaur and Finding Dory are being delayed by a year; and Google decides to clean up the Youtube comments system by tying comments to your Google+ account. Meanwhile Bean comes up with a more secure method of data and message transfer and Jelly “spoils” Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for Bean, leading to the boys deciding how to treat the pilot for their own TV series. Also, Bean moves his obsession from My Little Pony to pictures of Jelly in a dress. That guy gets weirder every day.