Ask The Industry Podcast

EP29 - Oliver Double - Author of Getting The Joke on the history (and future) of stand up comedy



Oliver Double (@oliverdouble) is a former comedian, current University of Kent lecturer on comedy, author of Getting The Joke  and Canterbury Legend.  I got him on the podcast to talk about -How to make your name as a comedian outside London Travelling as a performer to places miles away from home in the same amount of time as it does to go 10 tube stops.Going “pro” within 2 years (what he calls going pro and how he did it).If he’s pigeon holed or stereotyped as an “old man” on the bills he does to fill a quota.How having a family pushed him to make his career change later in life work as quickly as possible.How his path of chasing club sets / bookings has made his career vs how my path of chasing an audience for my shows.How he used his background in marketing and sales to get his name and act under peoples nose.How he can gig 3-4 nights a week and not be broke.Not rushing into gigs you shouldn’t be doing not because you don’t have the jokes, but because you aren’t ready.Th