Ask The Industry Podcast

EP33 - Zena Barrie and Michelle Flower - Founders of the Camden Fringe



.Zena Barrie and Michelle Flower founded the Camden Fringe (@CamdenFringe) in 2006 as an alternative to the Edinburgh Fringe.  I got them on the podcast to talk about - Thoughts on why the Camden Fringe is a viable alternative to the Edinburgh Fringe.How to promote a Camden Fringe show Is the gentrification of Camden impacting on the Fringe’s developmentWhy do they not do any free shows?Can this model even work in London?What do they think of London publications going up to Edinburgh to review shows during AugustAND MORE! This podcast would be useful to any performer who wants to take part in the Camden Fringe or an audience member who wants to know more about the behind the scenes of the festival. You can stream the podcast here (with show notes) - get it on iTunes here - you enjoyed it please consider supporting the podcast by becoming a Patron for only $1