Ask The Industry Podcast

EP34 - Amée Smith - Associate Director at Prospero Arts PR - How to effectively promote a show, tour or Edinburgh run.



Amee Smith is an associate director and PR expert at Prospero Arts. She has been in PR for over 6 years and has a wealth of experience in promoting and publicizing shows, tours and Edinburgh runs. I got them on the podcast to talk about - How do you make connections / relationships with journalists?How do they scout for new people / talent to represent?How to “PR” an Edinburgh Fringe show / solo tour.How are the “top 10” lists put together and how can a PR help get a show featured?When is the right time to send off your press release / contact journalists?Do stunts work at the Edinburgh Fringe?What free ways can you get publicity for your show / tour?What value does the star rating system have on a tour / Edinburgh show?Do they really help shows?How does fewer printed newspapers impact on a PR’s job to get more coverage for a tour? AND MORE! This podcast would be useful to any performer who has a show / tour / Edinburgh run they want to promote or a comedy fan who loves to know h