Wrestling With Insanity

playback was okay , and also Call of Cthulhu: The Fall Without End



we talked about payback, and stuffAlso, since the Call of Cthulhu game was not recorded I will type out a summary below.see, right below!  The year is 1931, and our heroes were mountain climbers in a race to the summit of Mt McKinley. There were three teams: Blank and Sunsweet, IBeforeE and StrikingYak, and Oatgan and myself. There was prize money involved, because the United States government needed heroes to inspire people during the Great Depression.  The night before climbing, they discovered a local team of three brothers had set out before them and already had a day's head start, not to be outdone by outsiders. There were two main paths up the mountain: the difficult climb and the easier climb. Oatgan and I decided on the more difficult climb while everyone else took the easy path.  Minutes into our climb, we encountered one of the brothers. He was crazed and snowblind, attacking anything that moved, including us. He was taken down with a rifle shot, and we were unfazed - hey, we rol