The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 74: TG Posse Member Tracey asks 'do disabled people like being asked if they need a hand?'



On EP 74 of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia, call in Angie and Yvie from Channel 10’s Gogglebox to answer TG Posse member Tracey’s gem… “I want to know: do people with disabilities appreciate the general public asking if they need a hand? Or is it offensive to them? Insinuating that they’re not as capable as everyone else?” 2:14 - TG Posse member Tracey’s gem wanting to know whether people with disabilities appreciate the general public asking if they need a hand?2:38 - Why Angie and Yvie would have an informed take on this topic 3:36 - The fear around being politically correct and not wanting to offend means we stop helping each other 4:57 - The general public not knowing where to ‘look’ when they meet a disability 9:47 - Why your intention is EVERYTHING 10:30 - An awesome show to watch on people with disabilities You Can’t Ask That. Watch HERE Full chat with A