The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 102: Veronica Milsom helps posse member Rebecca who wants to know how to make friends as a single mum



On EP 102: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia are joined by Triple J drive host Veronica Milsom who answers a question from Posse Member Rebecca. 2:02 - TG Posse member Rebecca asks how to make friends when you’re a single mum?2:42 – Can you leave your baby at home if there’s a restaurant around the corner and it’s still in baby monitor range? LOL4:10 – You’ve gotta invite people to your house, but then you have the challenge of getting rid of them when you want them to leave!5:00 – Baby monitors can pick up other baby monitors?!8:35 – Has surveillance gone too far?11:01 – Do you figure out who your true friends are when you become a parent?16:00 – Mothers group or friends with babies a similar age to yours is a great resource to tap into.The full chat with Veronica Milsom yesterday. Listen HERE.Black Mirror Arkangel episode referenced by Veronica, watch it HEREHere’s how to subscribe to The Thin